life in guatemala

Why Having an Address for Your Birth Family May Not Be as Important as You Think

While it makes sense to have the family’s current address and you should certainly verify with searchers that you will receive this information as part of the search fee, there are several reasons why the address isn't as important as you may think in being able to maintain contact with your family. Here are some that come to mind:

What that Gift Basket Really Means to a Birth Family

s part of the mission of Familias de Corazon, we provide adoptive families the opportunity to provide gift baskets to birth families three times per year.  Two visits during the year based on birth family location and one at Christmas. During a recent visit to Guatemala, I chatted with Fide about the deliveries of this year’s Christmas baskets.  I found her observations on the reactions of birth families to the gift baskets fascinating and wanted to share what she told me here.