Who does Nuevas Familias work with?

Nuevas Familias provides assistance to adoptive families in maintaining contact with the birth families of their Guatemalan-born children.  Currently we only work with adoptive families who worked with Fide to find their child’s birth family as this provides the needed information, background and relationship to properly provide ongoing support.  

What if I searched with another searcher?

At this time we are only able to work with adoptive families where we have a pre-existing contact with the birth family.  If you worked with another searcher to find your birth family and would like to work with Nuevas Familias to maintain contact, while at this time we are not taking on new families, please reach out to us and when we are able to take on new families we can let you know.

Can I send money to a birth family via Nuevas Familias

Nuevas Familias cannot receive cash on behalf of birth families due to Guatemalan laws.  If you would like to send cash to your birth family this would need to be a direct transaction.  Please contact us and we can help with setting up a bank account for the birth family to receive funds and with notifying the family when funds are sent.

Are my donations to Nuevas Familias tax deductible?

Nuevas Familias is a for-profit Guatemalan company which provides services for a fee. Therefore your payments are not tax deductible.   

What happened to Familias de Corazón?

In 2015 the work that Fide had been doing individually with adoptive families grew to the point where she was not able to continue receiving funds as an individual.  In an effort to provide as much support to the birth families as possible, she founded the Guatemalan non-profit, Familias de Corazón. In late 2018 Guatemalan regulations went into effect which put severe burdens on non-profits in an effort to control money laundering.  Unfortunately, Familias de Corazón, being a very small non-profit, did not have the funds to create the required infrastructure. The Board felt strongly that the majority of funds being provided by donors should go to support birth families versus to administrative overhead and so voted to dissolve the non-profit.